The Simpsons
Schedules for the UK & Ireland
June 26th, 2022 edition

Maintained by Wesley Mead

This page provides complete scheduling information for "The Simpsons" in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Schedules are available for Channel 4, Sky Showcase and RTÉ airings. All times are GMT, and all scheduled slot times last 30 minutes. All episodes are subtitled for the hearing impaired.

Click here for USA schedules, and check out my guide to BBFC classification of the show in the UK.

 Latest Update
 June 26th, 2022

Welcome to the June 26th update. Full, updated and finalised schedules for Channel 4, RTÉ2 and Sky Showcase are available below, right up through mid-July. I'll be back on the 3rd with the latest - feel free to e-mail me at if you need to contact me in the meantime, and remember you can also always access the latest version of the listings at my own site, too.


 Channel 4 & 4seven: Schedule Status & Listings
 26th June to 15th July 2022

SEASON RIGHTS: 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29

Channel 4 are currently airing season 27 in the 6pm weekday slot. Season 2 follows.

On Sunday mornings and lunchtimes on C4, we get season 22; it's followed by season 16. Saturday mornings are usually a repeat of episodes broadcast between the prior Sunday and Friday.

As always, some episodes deemed unsuitable for daytime broadcast are skipped, or broadcast only late at night - see listings below for details. There's nothing currently on 4seven.

Episodes starting between midnight and 5:30am are listed as part of the previous day's schedule, similar to most print TV guides. Note that all episodes that air on Channel 4 are simulcast on Channel 4 HD and can be viewed one hour later on their timeshift service, Channel 4 +1.

SUN 26 JUN  C4 07:30  S16  Sleeping with the Enemy
            C4 07:55  S16  She Used to Be My Girl
            C4 12:30  S22  500 Keys
            C4 13:00  S22  The Ned-liest Catch
MON 27 JUN  C4 18:00  S27  The Marge-ian Chronicles
TUE 28 JUN  C4 18:00  S27  The Burns Cage
WED 29 JUN  C4 18:00  S27  How Lisa Got Her Marge Back
THU 30 JUN  C4 18:00  S27  Fland Canyon
FRI 01 JUL  C4 18:05  S27  To Courier, with Love
SAT 02 JUL  C4 08:50  S22  500 Keys
            C4 09:20  S22  The Ned-liest Catch
            C4 09:50  S16  Sleeping with the Enemy
            C4 10:20  S16  She Used to Be My Girl
            C4 10:45  S16  Fat Man and Little Boy
            C4 11:15  S16  Midnight Rx
SUN 03 JUL  C4 08:00  S16  There's Something About Marrying
            C4 08:30  S16  Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass
            C4 09:00  S16  The Seven-Beer Snitch
            C4 12:30  S16  Mommie Beerest
            C4 13:00  S16  Pranksta Rap
MON 04 JUL  C4 18:00  S27  Simprovised
TUE 05 JUL  C4 18:00  S27  Orange is the New Yellow
WED 06 JUL  C4 18:00  S22  MoneyBART
THU 07 JUL  C4 18:00  S2   Bart Gets an F
FRI 08 JUL  C4 18:00  S2   Simpson and Delilah
SAT 09 JUL  C4 08:25  S22  MoneyBART
            C4 08:50  S16  Mommie Beerest
            C4 09:20  S16  Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass
            C4 09:50  S16  Pranksta Rap
            C4 10:20  S16  There's Something About Marrying
            C4 10:55  S16  The Seven-Beer Snitch
            C4 11:30  S2   Bart Gets an F
            C4 12:00  S2   Simpson and Delilah
SUN 10 JUL  C4 12:30  S16  On A Clear Day I Can't See My Sister
            C4 13:00  S16  Goo Goo Gai Pan
            C4 13:25  S16  Mobile Homer
            C4 13:55  S16  Future-Drama
            C4 14:25  S16  Don't Fear the Roofer
MON 11 JUL  C4 18:00  S2   Treehouse of Horror I
TUE 12 JUL  C4 18:00  S2   Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
WED 13 JUL  C4 18:00  S2   Dancin' Homer
THU 14 JUL  C4 18:00  S2   Dead Putting Society
FRI 15 JUL  C4 18:00  S2   Bart vs Thanksgiving
For more information on the episodes, see the Episode Guide.

 RTÉ2: Schedule Status & Listings
 26th June to 15th July 2022

SEASON RIGHTS: 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29

RTÉ2 are currently airing season 16 on weekdays at 4:30pm. A handful of episodes are skipped, presumably due to to content concerns. Only two episodes in that slot this week, due to sports coverage. The channel's first repeat run of season 29 follows.

There are also episodes on Wednesdays at 7pm, which begin a run of season 28 on the 22nd.

SUN 26 JUN  No episodes scheduled
MON 27 JUN  No episodes scheduled
TUE 28 JUN  16:30  S16  Future-Drama
WED 29 JUN  16:30  S16  Don't Fear the Roofer
            19:00  S28  Friends & Family
THU 30 JUN  No episodes scheduled
FRI 01 JUL  No episodes scheduled
SAT 02 JUL  No episodes scheduled
SUN 03 JUL  No episodes scheduled
MON 04 JUL  16:30  S16  The Heartbroke Kid
TUE 05 JUL  16:30  S16  A Star is Torn
WED 06 JUL  16:30  S16  Thank God It's Doomsday
THU 07 JUL  16:30  S16  The Father, the Son and the Holy Guest Star
FRI 08 JUL  16:30  S29  The Serfsons
SAT 09 JUL  No episodes scheduled
SUN 10 JUL  No episodes scheduled
MON 11 JUL  16:30  S29  Springfield Splendor
TUE 12 JUL  16:30  S29  Whistler's Father
WED 13 JUL  16:30  S29  Grampy Can Ya Hear Me
            19:00  S28  The Town
THU 14 JUL  16:30  S29  The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used to Be
FRI 15 JUL  16:30  S29  Singin' in the Lane
For more information on the episodes, see the Episode Guide.

 Sky Showcase: Schedule Status & Complete Listings
 26th June to 15th July 2022

SEASON RIGHTS: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33

Sky Showcase currently broadcast four episodes on weekdays: one at 5pm, then three from 6:30pm to 8pm. Sport coverage can reduce the number of episodes broadcast. Weekends are a little less predictable, but we usually get a decent number of episodes - usually between three and eight a day, spread across the morning, afternoon and evening.

Currently airing: season 24, in two concurrent runs - one primetime (6:30pm and later, except Saturday), one out-of-primetime (pre-6:30pm). Season 25 follows, and season 26 comes after that. As always, some episodes deemed unsuitable for daytime broadcast are skipped.

The premiere run of season 33 is over; I'll be sure to note here when we get another repeat run. (Of course, it should also be available on Disney+ from some time in the autumn, probably November.)

Note that episodes starting between midnight and 5:30am are listed as part of the previous day's schedule, similar to most print TV guides.

SUN 26 JUN  10:30  S24  A Test Before Trying
            11:00  S24  The Changing of the Guardian
            11:30  S24  Love is a Many-Splintered Thing
            15:00  S24  Gorgeous Grampa
            15:25  S24  Black-Eyed, Please
            15:50  S24  Dark Knight Court
            16:15  S24  What Animated Women Want
            16:45  S24  Pulpit Friction
MON 27 JUN  17:00  S24  What Animated Women Want
            18:30  S24  The Fabulous Faker Boy
            19:00  S24  The Saga of Carl
            19:30  S24  Dangers on a Train
TUE 28 JUN  16:30  S24  Pulpit Friction
            17:00  S18  You Kent Always Say What You Want
            18:30  S25  Yolo
            19:00  S25  Labor Pains
            19:30  S25  The Kid is All Right
WED 29 JUN  17:00  S24  The Saga of Carl
            18:30  S25  Steal this Episode
            19:00  S25  Married to the Blob
            19:30  S25  Specs and the City
THU 30 JUN  17:00  S24  Dangers on a Train
            18:30  S25  Diggs
            19:00  S25  The Man Who Grew too Much
            19:30  S25  The Winter of His Content
FRI 01 JUL  19:00  S25  You Don't Have to Live Like A Referee
            19:30  S25  Luca$
SAT 02 JUL  09:15  S25  Yolo
            09:45  S25  Labor Pains
            10:15  S25  The Kid is All Right
            16:35  S25  Steal this Episode
            17:05  S25  Married to the Blob
SUN 03 JUL  10:55  S25  Specs and the City
            11:25  S25  Days of Future Future
            11:55  S25  What to Expect When Bart's Expecting
MON 04 JUL  17:00  S25  Days of Future Future
            18:30  S25  Brick Like Me
            19:00  S25  Pay Pal
            19:30  S25  The Yellow Badge of Cowardge
TUE 05 JUL  17:00  S25  What to Expect When Bart's Expecting
            18:30  S26  Clown in the Dumps
            19:00  S26  The Wreck of the Relationship
            19:30  S26  Super Franchise Me
WED 06 JUL  17:00  S25  Brick Like Me
            18:30  S26  Opposites A-frack
            19:00  S26  Simpsorama
            19:30  S26  Blazed and Confused
THU 07 JUL  17:00  S25  Pay Pal
            18:30  S26  Covercraft
            19:00  S26  The Man Who Came to Be Dinner
            19:30  S26  Bart's New Friend
FRI 08 JUL  17:00  S25  The Yellow Badge of Cowardge
            18:30  S26  The Musk Who Fell to Earth
            19:00  S26  Walking Big and Tall
            19:30  S26  My Fare Lady
SAT 09 JUL  14:00  S26  Clown in the Dumps
            14:30  S26  The Wreck of the Relationship
            15:00  S26  Super Franchise Me
            15:30  S26  Opposites A-frack
SUN 10 JUL  10:05  S26  Simpsorama
            10:30  S26  Blazed and Confused
            11:00  S26  Covercraft
            11:30  S26  The Man Who Came to Be Dinner
            12:00  S26  Bart's New Friend
            12:30  S26  The Musk Who Fell to Earth
            13:00  S26  Walking Big and Tall
            19:00  S26  The Princess Guide
            19:30  S26  Sky Police
MON 11 JUL  17:00  S26  The Princess Guide
            18:30  S26  Waiting for Duffman
            19:00  S26  Peeping Mom
            19:30  S26  The Kids are All Fight
TUE 12 JUL  17:00  S26  Sky Police
            18:30  S26  Let's Go Fly a Coot
            19:00  S26  Bull-E
            19:30  S26  Mathlete's Feat
WED 13 JUL  17:00  S26  Waiting for Duffman
            18:30  To be confirmed
            19:00  To be confirmed
            19:30  To be confirmed
THU 14 JUL  17:00  S26  Peeping Mom
            18:30  To be confirmed
            19:00  To be confirmed
            19:30  To be confirmed
FRI 15 JUL  17:00  S26  The Kids are All Fight
            18:30  To be confirmed
            19:00  To be confirmed
            19:30  To be confirmed
For more information on the episodes, see the Episode Guide.

 Additional Notes and Latest UK DVDs
 Updated June 2022

Syndication of listings: You can also find these listings at my own website.

Latest UK DVDs: The Season 19 DVD set is out now! Woo-hoo! You can order it from now.

Disney+ streaming services: The Disney+ streaming service is now available in the UK, and includes seasons 1-32 of The Simpsons (minus "Stark Raving Dad") available to watch whenever you desire.

UK scheduling history: check out my June 2012 piece for Dead Homer Society, "English? Who Needs That?": The Simpsons in the United Kingdom, a 3000-word piece on the show's history, scheduling and ratings over here.

Credit where credit's due: Many thanks to David McCormick, creator of this page and original maintainer; Brian Petersen and Adam Wolf, who contributed HTML; and Phinbart, Christopher Wickham, Robert Burroughs, Matt Johnson, Ben Clifford, Nathan, and Grace for helping out around these parts - much appreciated.

Contact: Being completely accurate is great, but unfortunately, sometimes unattainable. Changes can occur that are beyond my control; if you spot any such late amendments, note any errors, or have any suggestions or queries regarding the listings, please contact me - details here, e-mail is your best bet for a speedy answer.

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Last modified on June 26th, 2022 by Wesley Mead (